
We are happy to offer web casting services to your family. Sometimes it is difficult for some family members to attend funeral services, though their desire is to be with you. Any number of circumstances can affect their ability to travel, such as being shut in, being in the military, and economic realities. Yet, your friends and family can still be a part of this occasion.

When you choose to offer web cast for your services, we will provide you with a password for the web cast page. You may then distribute the password to whomever you like. That person can then access the web cast page for your family by clicking on it and inserting the password where prompted. The web cast can be viewed on mobile devices, as well as a computer.

Copyrighted music will not be played on the web cast. We are not able to provide you with technical support relating to your computer or device. If you are able to view videos on the internet without difficulty, viewing the web cast should not create any new issues as it uses the same technology.

Live web cast service is currently available from our Wellsville location, and is free.

Webcast during building dedication